I Love You Deeply with all My Heart and Soul
Since You have come into my life,
You have shown me so many things
I always felt were impossible
You have shown me a love like no other
You have shown me a giving like no other
You have shown me a devotion like no other
But, most of all
You have shown me a man like no other
A wonderful man that I love deeply with not only my love and soul but my life.
You have proven to me that there are
no fears,
no loneliness,
no worries,
no guilts of the past for we are now and forever.
We belong as one, as lovers, as soulmates
and time has proven that we were meant to be
thus from this day forward.
I pray that we have a long life to fulfil all our dreams
but most of all that we feel the deepest love
that no one other than ourself can hold
deep within our very oneness ~ our very soul ~ so pure and giving
that we are blessed all the days forth coming.
I love You
so hard that everything I have feels a pain
but this pain is my deepest joy,
a pure joy of You.
You are all that which stands strong ~
as the guiding light in the deepest of nights ~
protecting all that belongs
to Your care.
(c)written by ~ * ~ azurerose ~ * ~ 20 September 2002
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